Friday, July 15, 2011

Snail's pace

Snails can live up to 15 years. I just recently found that out. I haven't stepped on one for as long as I can remember until I moved to the place I am living now. I didn't mean to step on it. It was dark. They are everywhere at night as they cross the cement walkway to the patch of grass on the other side. I didn't think much of it until I discovered they can live so long. I then thought...what if the snail I stepped on was like eight years old? What if it was just a year and had fourteen years to go? What if it was fourteen going on fifteen and I stepped on it?

The video is from a patch of grass outside my place...


  1. Without their shell I actually find snails to be one of the most ugly species to live on this planet... Do you think about the lives flies that you killed could have had as much as about snails? ;)(lol confusing sentence) No one's holy

  2. lol..flies don't live up to 15 years.

  3. okay, you have a point there, crap ;)

  4. I have some sorte of sympathy for snails hahaha I think you have been smoking way too much to ponder about the snail's life and future hahaha. Dont worry, if you didnt completely splat him, he can rebuild his shell. No biggie, he will be a slug for a while, but be sure he is rebuilding his house as we speak hahahah

  5. I've had Escargot in my time, and I can tell you that they are nasty little suckers. I did not know that they lived for so long.

  6. 15 years? this is a big lifetime

  7. I used to catch snails and put them in a box with grass when i was younger..

  8. 15 years?! Like they will be there forever ... :O
    nice blog btw, keep it up1

  9. 15 years for such a small animal is a LOT...

  10. 15? Impressive. Some dogs and cats don't make it to 15.

  11. My cat is 15 years old. :)

  12. yeah very nice :D and my cat is 15 years old too :P

  13. i like picking them up after it rains :)

  14. why is there so many snails?!?!

  15. 15 years huh... Amazing video bTW

  16. i've been growing "tomatoes" in my basement for some time now, and EVERYONE has advice. your advice seems to be very level-headed and intelligent. i'm gonna keep checking you out

  17. Woah, so many snails. I always liked to those tiny, slow creatures. They are very funny when they stick their antennas out :D

  18. not many animals that size live that long. very interesting!

  19. and one more fact. they can start breed when they turn 3 or 4yo. you knew about it? :P

  20. It really is a lot but we'd all most likely be dead by now. Sad stuff :p

  21. I used to throw snails at my fence and watch them explode. I think i have gained a little more respect for them since they live that long! I did not know that..
    Great blog though +1 following

  22. 15 years?! Are you kidding me?! I will never ever even think of stepping on a snail :o

  23. jeez i had no idea they can live that long! thats longer than my sister has been alive for :/ and ive also squashed a snail before, not on purpose :(

  24. i'm pretty sure you didn't mean to step on it. i love these little creatures i hope they live on forever.

  25. Snails are more interesting than most people think :)

  26. i think about the random bugs i kill and wonder what it was doing when i felt the compulsion to end it. creating a backstory to the bugs makes me sad.

  27. i accidently stepped on a snail the other day i felt so bad :(


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