Thursday, August 4, 2011

crazy co-workers, free androids and eating fugly frogs?

Sorry everyone. I couldn't post for the past couple of days. I had been really busy and I didn't want to post without having the time to read and comment and all your posts also ;-)

I told you guys last week that I quit. This week I got a new job. Well, not entirely new because I'm doing the same thing. Only with a different company and for more money and in a higher end market like I was shooting for. I'm excited!

'So why is this picture of this crazy, penis removing witch here?' you may be asking. Well she used to work at the office I worked at.

I'm not sure if anyone else saw the free Nexus S advertising on the Google homepage yesterday. It was right underneath the search-bar. All there was a line saying 'have the Google experience, Nexus S free today only' or something close to that. Well I clicked it and it linked me to Best Buy, a pretty big electronics retailer here in the states and it did show the cost for the phone at $0 but only for new customers and we established new service a couple of months ago with a 2 year contract so for a moment I thought we were assed out. BUT when the new service was established my wife and I used phones we already had and didn't take any new customer discounts or rebates. So we were able to still use the new customer rebates and get the Nexus S for free yesterday! I checked the Best Buy website today. It is sold out online and the price went back up.

And on a different note...a few years a go I read a book that still resonates with me. I wouldn't really call it a motivational book as I would a how-to book. The title is 'Eat That Frog'. It's a very short read and can actually be summed up in a couple of paragraphs. I believe its a good way to think.


If you had to eat the most horrible looking frog on the planet...what part of the day would you eat it. Morning or night?

If you waited until the night you would dreading it and thinking about it all day not wanting the night to come. Same goes for the afternoon or evening for that matter. But if you ate it first thing in the morning, you can move on with your day and enjoying it for what it is and not having to worry about having to eat any frogs later.
So what's the point? we all have to do stuff we really don't want to do. Either make a call we don't to make. See or talk to someone we don't want to talk to or deal with. Whatever it is everyone has shit they don't want to do that needs to be done or things that are always put off or put on the back-burner so to speak. Well, those are my frogs.

The things I am reluctant to do are my frogs. If I eat them in morning I get them done and out of the way. I won't spend my day thinking and dreading the frog I'll have to eat later.


  1. Wow that was a great post. Really liked the frog analogy, we all really do have our bad moments of the day at some point! Also, congrats on your free phone.

  2. @GMSoccerPicks yeah, she worked there also. Nobody even knew she had gotten married. She was always rude to my wife. The attorney there sent out a memo not to mention anything about this because its a criminal case. I don't work there now so I could care less. Not sure if the pic is shopped...looks funny though

  3. @marrujoa thanks! glad you liked the post

  4. The frog analogy is really silly, but at the same time completely true. Only, instead of waiting until the evening to eat the frog, I end up waiting until the end of the week and dread it the entire time.

  5. Congrats on the new job :) see, you were right to leave the old one ^^

  6. Congrats on the new job! damn thats insane knowing that crazy woman worked in the same place haha.
    that frog analogy was pretty funny XD

  7. maybe you could cook the frog and mix it up with some spices etc to make it taste good haha

  8. would that be the psychedelic variety of frog?

  9. I'm with Electric Addict. I would 'excite' myself by preparing a sauce that would allow me to 'believe' that it was going to be tasty.

  10. good work ethic, get crap out of the way first.

  11. That's funny, I was also prevented from posting yesterday by a new Nexus S.

  12. Free phone, nice.
    Luckiest item I ever got was the Wii (at normal price) but it was the christmas when they were pretty much sold out EVERYWHERE :P

  13. Great blog man. +Followto you

  14. The frog on the picure is funny :)
    Btw, I liked the analogy and I do the same as you, I get rid of the things I don't want to do, so I don't have to think about it anymore.

  15. I wouldn't eat a frog at all lol. So if I have to make a call I don't want to make, I don't do it :D

  16. Grats on the new job, hope it works out for you!

  17. I liked the frog analogy to life. A stitch in time saves nine! Totally true..

  18. I have a frog that I've been needing to eat for a while

  19. good on the new job, but why would you ask about frog eating?

  20. That was a really inspiring analogy, makes me want to get up and do something!

  21. Very interesting blog! And beautiful frog!
    +followed by

  22. that was a clever analogy! great post!

  23. A frog that fat and juicy you could have in the morning and the evening. But in all seriousness with the analogy I find I wait til later so that I have some pressure needed to get it done.

  24. i dont know about that frog man...looks shooped

  25. free nexus s wow i am jealous!
    about the frog, the point it makes is quite right

  26. I would personally wait till night to eat the frog, I mean sure if you eat it in the morning it is done and out of the way, but then your stomach is full of frog for the rest of the day. At night you could just go to sleep right after eating it then shit out the frog's remains in the morning.

  27. Great post. I eat my frogs in the morning, too. I think this is because I have some anxiety in my life, and I need to avoid stress when I can.

  28. I think I read that frog story way back when I was a kid... not 100% sure though.

  29. awww poor frog! and congrats

  30. That's a pretty nice blog, supported bro!

  31. OMG! I rarely say an animal is ugly, but that frog is disgusting

  32. i hate frogs and normally i wait and wait with my problems and then *peng* its to late :/

  33. did she seem normal or was she obviusly insain?

  34. HAHA I laughed throughout this whole post!!!

  35. @Bersercules she kept to herself. I did not talk with her too much. now looking back at it she did seem strange

  36. Wow you worked with the penis cutter,scary!
    Nice blog! Intend to follow.

  37. I enjoyed your post, I like how you write. I also hate when they advertise phones for low prices but want you to sign a two year deal. New phones come out every other month, why not make the contract go for six extra months? either way good post, +following.

  38. way to get out before the crazy "remover" spread her joy....

  39. I was a little pissed when I saw BB have the Nexus S for free - I bought one at a subsidized price a little over a month ago ;_;

  40. Wow i've never seen frogs used in terms like that

  41. That's actually pretty deep with the frog thing

  42. I wouldn't like to work with that penis remover. lol
    And about the frogs, it's a nice way to deal with problems. Maybe I'll have some for breakfast tomorrow morning. hahaha

  43. The frog seems kinda high, those funny eyes are hypnotizing me.

  44. Congrats!!!!

    Check out my blog at


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