Monday, July 25, 2011

Close to 100 and a short recap

Hi everyone! I'm close to having 100 followers and I thought for today's post I'll quickly go back and visit my previous posts and update you all on what has changed since then. So here we go...

May 1st...I started this blog with the intent to teach anyone who cares how to grow their own to save money and on June 26th, I posted about having to sell my equipment because of hard times. So the meaning behind the title of this blog "I'm ready to grow!" has now changed for me and is no longer about growing your own. It's more about growing as a person and always trying to better myself.

July 10th - 'looking up'...In this post I write about how dirty the pool is my condo community. I have to looks nice and blue now but I can't help think about how many kids probably peed in it.

July 22nd - 'close call'...Well the branch manager at my office is at it again. Busting my balls over my corner office. I have a meeting with him about it tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

July 15th - 'Snail's Pace'...I'm still making sure I don't step on any snails...

July 19th - 'Out of my comfort zone'...I still need to get at this. My business needs a kickstart!

July 20th - 'Super Hero'...My dogs are safe and I haven't seen Batman anywhere else. But I have seen the new trailer for Spider-man. Do we really need another Spider-Man movie? Too soon in my opinion.

July 21st - 'WTF?'...I'm not sure what happened to the cop that shot little Canela.

Thanks for reading my blog everyone!


  1. This blog has become more interesting. :)

  2. Congrats in advance, hopefuly you will get to the hundo today. Keep the good job and you will be at 200 in no time :)

  3. its like one of those 100th episode re-cap shows the tv does.

  4. yeeep, more interesting each day! keep posting and you'll reach even more than 100 follows.

  5. 3 to go!
    I'm happy you post more frequently now than when you started. You were really lazy, hehe

  6. Good luck on your business! so close to 100 also!

  7. Blog is just getting better and better!

  8. Good luck on the business and you just got a new follower, one more closer to 100!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Just one word. Congratulations!
    Keep posting and I'll keep reading.

  11. You only need one more now! xD I'll send this to a friend, I'm sure I can get you it.

  12. mate i am following gyen sent me i am in full support and i am your 100th follower!


  14. Keep it up and you'll have much more, it's just a matter of days.

  15. You're not only close but have reached the great 100! :)

  16. keep it up and I'm sure you will have 200 soon ;-)

  17. great man, congrats! I'll be stickin around for sure.

  18. Congrats on the followers! It will snowball in no time! Keep up the good posts and we'll all stick around!

  19. wow. great recap for your newcomers. Thanks :D

  20. you're at 147 now congrats!! 200 in no time


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